Do It Yourself: Laptop wrist-rugs

Because of the oxidation issue I experienced with my Powerbook in the past, I concocted a home-made “wrist-rug” for my Macbook Pro.

In case you’re wondering why I would want these things so badly is because the chemicals in my hands are quite hostile to the wrist area of the laptop. While the picture below isn’t mine, something similar to it happened to my Powerbook.

The usual preventive measure that can be taken, is to get those laptop film protectors. The trouble is that they are pretty expensive. So I decided to make them myself.

I used to make stickers as a young man. Because of it, I’m pretty handy with a cutter and cutting shapes on adhesive material. One of the more useful material from that “hobby” is transparent sticker paper, as it provides the topmost layer of any sticker I’ve made – essentially like a one-sided “laminate” which will protect the elements below it.

That transparent, self-adhering film is very useful for lots of stuff. You can use it to cover books, put in protective coat overy just about anything, and they’re generally easier to remove as the only residue left is usually the adhesive (not traces of paper and others)

Recently though, it has been increasingly difficult to find this transparent “sticker paper.” I chanced upon material called “Decorative Vynil for Glass” which is very similar to those self-adhering films you can wrap books with.

The cost of a whopping 90cm x 3m roll is only 500 bucks tops… which is a bit cheaper than a single protective coat for my XDA’s screen.

Imagine how much film I can work with at that price. I could afford to make mistakes because of it. I can improve my design anytime and reapply a new film when I want to. They even sell it in smaller rolls (about 80 bucks each) 1 Unfortunately, most clear coats have designs in their texture. This one I got was plain matte, and only came in the huge-assed roll.

Oh and did I mention it had a matted texture? Makes it “blend” with the actual brushed aluminum finish the laptop has (and is more resilient to scratches)


1 Unfortunately, most clear coats have designs in their texture. This one I got was plain matte, and only came in the huge-assed roll.

2 Replies to “Do It Yourself: Laptop wrist-rugs”

  1. Hahahaha, the answer’s simple:

    1. Because I got a MacBook Pro = no more money.
    2. Most protective film aren’t reusable, and there ARE cases where they have to replace the components under warranty. In those instances you have to buy new film.

    The bottom case of my Powerbook was replaced multiple times during its lifetime with me, imagine if I was OC enough to require protectors for it, I would’ve ended up spending way much more than I should’ve.

    Besides, don’t you think mine looks better than what’s available out in the market? hahahaha

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