More reasons why I love House

Finally got to start watching the 5th season of House. Mik transferred some episodes to my USB drive while we were on our Bicol trip.

I was amazed by the first episode, as it was a fucking goldmine of quotable quotes!

I also enjoyed seeing House in a somewhat agitated state. Normally you see him put people down by embarrassing them, but always in the form of witty humor. But there were so many gems in this episode where he just downright ran over people without giving a second thought about what they felt (like how he treated 13). It was almost as if he was finally saying “Get over yourself and realize the facts of life and fucking deal with it – don’t expect the rest of us to feel sympathy for your plight because we’ve got problems of our own.”> When 13 was trying to “diffuse” the awkwardness of the situation when Lou said she didn’t know the father of her baby

Lou: You making excuses for me?
13: I’m just saying it’s understandable…
Lou: You only have to understand something if it needs an explanation. I Have needs, I met my needs; end of explanation.

Occam’s Razor FTW!

Wilson: You could ask House to be a grown-up and respect my decision
House: I respect things that deserve respect; this decision on the other hand is a dog wearing a cape.

I resonate with this so much, because I think it’s always a cop out to just use blanket statements for being better people. Sometimes, something is just downright stupid and needs to be called out for what it is.

When 13 was trying to justify her irrational judgments in lieu of House diagnosing her with Huntington’s

House: People die! You, Amber, everyone… don’t act like you just figured that out. I gave you a diagnosis, if you don’t like it, there are exits on every floor

Like I always say; the world doesn’t owe us any favors, we just deal with the cards we’re dealt with and hope for the best.

When cameron admitted to Wilson that she ultimately thought House was right, and shared her experience with losing a loved one.

Wilson: Being here, this building… I was just in the lounge, I kept staring at Amber’s locker.
Cameron: I saw a guy wearing a scarf this morning… the color reminded me of his eyes. We lived 500 miles from here.
Wilson: I have to do something.
Cameron: Then do it – but don’t think it’s the right choice – because, there isn’t one.

Running away is never the answer.

House: You’re being an idiot. You’re gonna blow up your career, and six months from now, when you’ve moved on from Amber–to Burnt Sienna–you’re gonna be stuck in a mobile oncology truck in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.

Wilson: I’d need a flowchart to explain all the ways in which that was ridiculously insensitive.

Not really a quotable, I just found it really funny.

People get what they get. It has nothing to do with what they deserve.

General truth in life which a lot of people fail to grasp. It just is, it’s not God’s or anyone’s “will” – once you realize that, life gets much easier actually.

House: Your conscience bleeds more freely than my head. (looks at phone) Text; patient’s in cardiac arrest… ouchie!
Wilson: You’d jeopardize a patient because of my…
House: If it keeps you here; your friendship matters more to me than this patient.
Wilson: I’ve got to do what’s right for me. You got to do what’s right for you.
House: Yeah, but it comes easier for me. (leaves phone with Wilson and heads home… abandoning medical emergency)

Though my situation is far from House, I have to say that I can relate to his train of thought. Not all people are created equal, and we have different ways of evaluating priorities – this scene was a perfect representation of how I can decide which is more important to me regardless of the gravity/complexity of any situation.

When 13 was frustrated at how Lou could be content with just being a “grunt.”

Thirteen: We can have anything.
Lou: No we can’t. We can aspire to anything, but we don’t get it just because we want it. I would rather spend my time close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings.

Oh my God, that right there is the jackpot! The only thing that would make it more perfect if it was said in the real world and not some TV show just to make for good rhetoric. It was especially sweet because the character “Lou” was part of a feminist organization. Granted, she was ultimately putting another woman in a pedestal, it’s still nice to see how “sane” she is despite being in that structure.

And it’s not just with regards to feminism, I apply this to any group or idea that takes itself too seriously (e.g. how all parents think their children are perfect, etc.)

Cuddy: You’re not listening to me, are you?
House: Try it sometime, you’ll see why.

I guess this is what basically makes the series so appealing to me, that they have made a character who undoubtedly isn’t perfect, but is RIGHT. It’s damn near superhero-ish the way he can get away with anything simply because he turns out to be right at the end of it all.

House: Almost dying changes nothing. Dying changes everything.

I always like to stretch this sentiment; applying it to apologizing for mistakes. While I do believe in forgiveness, I personally have limits as to how much I would “put up with.” It’s easy to say you’re sorry – as it’s just a word, and the whole world has been conditioned to be “forgiving” – to a fault.

I used to have a friend that constantly went over the “limits” in a bunch of her “relationships” – I think it would be safe to say that almost all those “incidents” were uncalled for. While her actions probably were done with the best of intentions, she really should’ve gotten a hint that the common denominator of falling out of touch with those she considered to be “dear” to her, was precisely because of her penchant to inadvertently meddle with their lives – even if they didn’t ask for it.

I also distinctly remember her being ecstatic (and me being genuinely being happy for her) when she finally re-established ties with those whom she fell out of touch for so many years. I guess that made her feel that how she carried herself was perfectly fine since “in the long run, everything will be ok” – and guess who was the next victim of her “meddling?” Yours truly.

Now, contrary to popular belief, I have a lot of patience despite how aggressive my views seem to be. The reason why I like ranting is precisely because of that patience. Given my views, its obvious that I have to put up with a lot of things I would normally consider to be utter horse-shit just to get by in life. I certainly don’t like it, but I’m not stupid enough to be Emo about it.

This is part of the reason why I can be brutally honest to my friends. Because at the end of the day, because you are my friend, I will put up with your shit… but I will make it clear to you what I think your shit is – so at least you could try to lessen it… at least when dealing with me. 1 Feel free to be shitty with other people all you want (who knows, maybe they like it), but always remember I can usually see right through you when you’re dealing with me. Hence I can still “play the part” – and just count my blessings.

But there are things that I would never stand for, and what she did, sadly was one of them – compounded by the fact that I made it crystal clear ever since, that while everyone makes mistakes, you should never tread on me that particular way. But she did exactly that, and was fully aware of it too.

Being sorry by admitting that you were wrong, or saying the words is meaningless; because it only confirms the obvious. What always mattered to me when something was done against me wasn’t if they regretted what they did, but their effort to fix or make up for it. Unfortunately, as much as I would have wanted it to apply in this particular “case,” it just couldn’t be applied. We [both] did try though, but looking at the factors involved – we were headed for a brick wall. 2 In fact I did go through all that “shit” I was dreading just by agreeing to try again. It was similar to us men doing some grandiose thing to make up for some fuck-up, but ultimately reverting back to the way we were – and while that was fine for other types of trespasses, like I said, the way she crossed me was probably the only taboo in my otherwise uber open-minded view of life. Sorta like “you can insult me all you want, but if you insult my mother, then we’ve got a problem” sort of non-negotiable.

So I finally chose to cut ties entirely. I even went the extra mile by making clear that she need not bother trying to re-establish them. I “burned bridges” as it were – just so there was closure, and that we wouldn’t be wasting each other’s time. Wether or not it was the right thing to do was irrelevant at that point. She was never going to change anyways, and neither was I. What I intended to do was was hopefully give her at least one constant reminder of how “dangerous” that particular trait of her can be; that it can utterly destroy something she used to hold dear.

Re-establishing ties would never have that same impact. So going back to the quote, and applying it to the situation: Almost dying changes nothing. Dying [hopefully] changes everything.

She probably has moved on, and I’m not sure if my efforts in driving that point home many moons ago had worked. If she has her meddling tendencies under control now, then good for her. If not, then not hahaha. Either way, I’m glad that it’s not my cross to carry anymore. I never really was good in babysitting emotional baggage – so I’m sure other people would handle it better than I ever did.


1 Feel free to be shitty with other people all you want (who knows, maybe they like it), but always remember I can usually see right through you when you’re dealing with me.
2 In fact I did go through all that “shit” I was dreading just by agreeing to try again.

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